so today has been one of the weirdest
days ever . it seems like for every positive ,
there was a negative.
and i just feel all out of sorts. so i'm going to
do some venting.
1. my favorite class , Music Appreciation ,was cancelled this morning.
2. i started working on my newest artistic endeavor,
the pirate ship. just my luck , one of the dogs burst through the door,
and came charging into my room ,only to destroy my progress. :(
3. i got to hang out with kayla louiseee (practically my sister)
but unfortunately i kept hitting my head on her mean machine
short person truck and feel like i have a concussion. haha.
4. I'm making plans to possibly get the heck outta here!
(started on them today.)
5. Resumed work on the sparrow , only to find that
even after a hiatus , it's still just as difficult to draw the wings
the way that i'm trying to . ( i will nail this!)
6. my cell phone decided that it was going to die on me.
it'll turn on , but it won't function. FML.
7. spring break might not happen the way it's supposed to .
Iv'e never heard of putting a limit on a debit card. I have the $ ,
so why the hell does it matter? It's interfering with my plane ticket.
8. nana banana is going to be here on friday!
9. I've been making blankets like a fiend , and i'm still behind.
still have to make mom's , her pillow, dad's pillow , and start on the rest of them.
10. the co-op blog is going great. i mean honestly , how many people can say that they get to write with one of thier BFF's? Although.. i'm having this major writer's
block & it sucks!!!!
11. i want to get a tattoo so badly , that's all iv'e dreamt about
for the last three weeks. i woke up sitting at my desk with a marker in
my hand and scribbles on my arm this morning.
12. I'm tired of being lonely .. so very tired that
i could just sleep until the summer , until i get to see KHM again.
13.It's depressing me that he hasn't emailed back , and every morning i check my inbox. only to find that there's nothing from him. KHM might as well be a ghost , because that's all it feels like i'm loving lately.
14. I bought new running shoes, and they make my feet look and
feel huge . like i needed help with finding another insecurity.
15. I'm such a genius , that i shoved plugs in my ears ,
that are much toooo big. my reason : they were really trippy looking
and i didn't want to wait to put them in when i was supposed to .
16. I despise my Invisalign braces with a firey passion.
My mouth is ALWAYS hurting. theyr'e just as bad as regular braces.
17. I'm tired of putting up with the fake bitches from highschool.
I'm trying to find a way to completely disconnect from them 100%.
18. I'm tired of people telling me to get over Isaac's death in July .
EXCUSE ME , if having an almost forgotten childhood friend die like
six days before my birthday (and way before his time),
has scarred my heart a little. PARDON , if I tend to grieve.
19. Jacob is my hero. That young man is a phenomenon.
He's one of my brother's friends, iv'e never even met him ,
but iv'e got a sense of respect for him . Last year , that boy almost
lost his life , due to senseless violence after school. He was
on his way home , walking with some friends , when a couple of guys
in thier late teens or early 20's thought that the group of young boys was out
looking to start trouble . Jacob was beaten , in the head , left on the ground to
bleed and die , all because someone's stupidity . Jacob made it
out of a coma , endured physical rehab , slowly learned to talk again, started highschool. the guy that almost killed him will be out on parole in a few years.
20. I have to deal with the DMV , yet again , on friday.
I HATE going there.
21. I WANT TO GO TO CAMP. SMMC , I miss thee!
Three more months. i just have to keep telling myself that.
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