Into the Woods

"Each of us enters the forest at a point that we individuals have chosen, where it is darkest and there is no path.
If there is a path , it is some one else's path and you are not
on your adventure." --Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the sweet things people say

well basically i'm posting this blog mainly
for myself ... well this entry in particular.
because it's things that people have told me , and they make me smile
and will surely brighten up my day if i'm having a bad one.

Angela :
Alexis! One of the upperclassmen I love! In choir, you were like a big sister to me and I absolutely adore you for helping me through that class. You are always so nice and sweet and funny and mad talented to boot. I love you! I miss hugging you though! You really are an amazing person and I feel so lucky to know you a...nd be friends with you. Anyone who knows you is lucky to have someone like you in there life. ♥♥♥

Stevie :
alexis i love how you are hella funny an amazing sweetheart and a huge dork you know how to make everyone smile and you are an awsome person ily stevie.

Brandon H. :
You don't take shit from anyone. That's what i like.

I'm so glad and feel truly blessed that you decided to email me. I've come to think of you as a sister. I truly value our talks about our silly boys. I am glad that I can turn to you for anything without judgement. Someday, you are going to do great things!!

i like how your the coolest counsler ever!

I like your core inner strength... your ability to be calm in a storm, your perserverance in spite of everything, your talent with people, your kindness, your humor, our mutual love of music and your personal ability to be outstanding and awesome in a tough world.

Thank you, dearie! I don't think you realize just how much that really meant to me...especially so close to camp when everything is beyond crazy.

Honored to know such a wonderful girl, well, young woman, such as yourself, too! ♥

Alexis, I'll always be your little creeper. I know we don't talk as much but suffice to say I love it when we do and I love you for all your humor. You're a wonderful, wonderful woman and I want you to know that I care for you deeply. Please, take it easy. Everything will turn out wonderfully.

Friday, June 4, 2010

all is fair in love & war ...

nothing is fair about love .

it isn't fair that great people have to suffer
for the sheer stupidity of a select few .
it isn't fair that iv'e got to wait even longer to see my best friend.
i was supposed to see him this month. but now . i'm of course , in a double bind.
my grand parents will be here next week . i'll get to spend a week & a half with them , and then I leave for camp for a week .
theyr'e only staying for a month .
and it fucking sucks that i have to WAIT even more to see HIM!
there for , NOTHING , in my opinion ; is fair in love .
love is war.
it's not a war you wage with someone else over fallen territories and results in bloodshed & lives lost .
it is a war with yourself . you fighting to keep your sanity
just so you can have even a few moments with the person that means the most.

i now really do understand what john mayer was talking about in heart break warfare.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's been exactly one year.

one year since i was last in a highschool classroom .
one year since i walked the stage at arco arena and got a diploma.
one year since the bbq , and being surrounded by extended family.

it's been a freaking year , and what do i have to show for it ?
a few stupid units at a damn community college .
even more uncertainty about the rest of my life.

an even deeper hole in my heart.
a realization that on june second , it's been precisely a year since the last time
i saw the boy who means the world to me.

it feels like he's been gone for an eternity !

i hate this feeling .
i honestly wonder if all of this bullshit is even worth it!